2011Free talk: Natural kids’ health
acupressure / baby / breast-feeding / children / clothing / colic / cough / ear infections / eczema / herbal medicine / Lois Nethery / parenting / reflux / teething Posted by Lois Nethery
Saturday 24th September 2-4pm
Learn how to look after your kids using natural medicine, kitchen cupboard cures and traditional wisdom.

- Chinese medicine view of children’s health
- The importance of digestion, Chinese medicine diet tips
- Supporting children through immunisations
- Babies: breast milk and alternatives, colic, reflux, solids, teething
- Lifestyle tips for kids eg clothing, activities
- Sleep problems
- Natural remedies and tips for worms and head lice
- Supporting a child through illness, especially fever
- Sharing Chi (energy) with your child
- Acupressure at home
- Recovery from antibiotics
- Cough and asthma: causes and remedies
- Ear infections and glue ear
- Eczema
If you’d like to attend this talk (or future talks), please:
- Call on (02) 9938 2182
- email [email protected]