Acupuncture preparation for birth

Pre-birth Acupuncture

Pre-birth Acupuncture is a wonderful way to prepare both mind and body before the birth of your baby.

Treatments are usually weekly from 37 to 40 weeks.

Pre-birth Acupuncture helps towards:

  • Preparing your body for labour
  • Relaxing you and addressing anxiety around the birth
  • Giving you energy for labour and recovery
  • Dealing with specific complaints, eg back or pelvic pain, sleep issues, headaches



Is it worth coming earlier than 37 weeks?

Yes, acupuncture is beneficial at all stages of pregnancy.

Many women do choose to come earlier in pregnancy.  They can then address any problems that might come up, such as sleep problems, back ache etc (see Problems in Pregnancy and Pregnancy Wellness).

The Pre-birth Acupuncture treatments are specifically designed for the final weeks prior to delivery.  If you have a particular reason to start the Pre-birth treatments earlier, for example if you are due to be induced before 40 weeks, then you are welcome to start 4 weeks prior to that date (I work alongside advice from your medical team).


Is it worth doing if I am having an elective Caesarean section?

Yes.  Acupuncture can help with preparing you for the postpartum period, strengthening your energy and relaxing you. I can help you prepare a plan to make your C-section a meaningful and satisfying experience.


Acupuncture to induce labour

If you are past your due date, then there are several non-drug ways that may benefit your progress towards spontaneous labour. I can talk you through the various methods and prepare a treatment plan.

If you’re not yet at your due date then please book in for Pre-birth Acupuncture.


Acupressure for pain relief in labour

Your birth partner can join you for a 30-minute interactive session where I can teach some simple techniques to support you with pain relief and relaxation during labour. Partners enjoy feeling empowered with tools to help and support you.



–> Acupuncture during pregnancy

–> Post-natal recovery