2015Earthing – free, feel-good medicine
Being grounded
What do you think of when you hear someone described as being “grounded“? What is that person like?
When you’re feeling grounded, how does it feel?
We would probably answer with something like – feeling calm, able to face difficulties without being overly swayed, having clarity…
We can also talk about being “down to earth“. This quality embodies openness, warmth, honesty, integrity – maybe also an “earthy” sense of humour.
Feeling good
These traits feel good, and people who have these traits are good to be around. While some of them may be traits that are moulded into our character through our life experiences, you may not realise that we can take these phrases really literally, and enjoy some of these feelings immediately.
A simple practice…
“Earthing” refers to the very simple practice of making direct physical contact with the Earth. Walking barefoot on the beach, going for a barefoot run in the park, reading a book with your feet on the grass…
Being in contact with the Earth is how we are made to be. Being insulated from the Earth – by shoes, cars, floors, bitumen, concrete – separates us from an incredibly important source of nourishment.
The Earth is a massive generator of free electrons with a negative charge. These electrons are continuously flowing out of the Earth and – when we make direct contact with it – through us as well. We have evolved to be in direct contact with this source of electrons, and it could be that this is an important way that we can protect ourselves from the charged particles that are created when cells generate energy.
Nature’s free, feel-good, always-available medicine
The beautiful side effect of taking our “Vitamin G” – for Ground – is that we actually can feel more calm, centred, clear and joyful after a session of going barefoot. Try it for 30 mintutes and see for yourself!
If you have pain such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, endometriosis or tension headaches then try a session of Earthing every day for a couple of weeks and see how you feel at the end of it. If you feel some benefit, and it’s not doing you harm, then why not add some Vitamin G to your self-care regime.
More information
To learn the quirky story of how the Earthing idea started, go to www.earthing.com
Nothing to lose!
The beautiful thing about Earthing is that there’s nothing to lose, and potentially lots to gain.
A barefoot beach walk? Sounds like good medicine!