The new year – Southern hemisphere style


The Northern hemisphere new year is in the middle of darkness, stillness and cold – candles are lit, warm food and drinks are taken, and from this introspective setting, people can imagine the emerging of new beginnings in spring.

In Australia? Long warm days, markets bursting with seasonal fruit, social gatherings that linger into the evenings, summer holidays of unwinding and restoring energy, celebrating the good life.

Whereas new year in the Northern hemisphere is about dreaming the new beginnings of things, or starting over, in the South it is more about seeing what we have and appreciating it, being grateful for the bountiful harvest.

With gratitude, our hearts naturally desire less. Being grateful for all that we have, we can resolve to cherish our good fortune. With fewer desires and full hearts, we can see just the right move that comes next – and resolve to do that one simple thing.

